Moving is a big deal. A new chapter, new surroundings. But before that, there’s the packing. Boxes, bubble wrap, and the looming task of deciding what goes where.

It’s not just about stuffing items into boxes. Some things need more care; others need less. Each item, whether it’s the heavy bookshelf or the fragile photo frame, has its own packing needs.

Here’s where our guide steps in. Detailed, yet straightforward. We’ll tackle each room, one by one. From the cluttered attic to the cozy living room, we’ve got strategies to help. The goal? A smoother move, with everything in its right place.

Why Proper Packing Matters

At first glance, packing might seem like a straightforward task. Grab a box, fill it, seal it. But there’s more to it than meets the eye.

  • Safety: Every item has its value. Proper packing ensures they’re protected, from the smallest trinket to the largest furniture piece.
  • Efficiency: Moving can be overwhelming. But with well-organized boxes, settling into your new place becomes a breeze. No endless searching.
  • For the Movers: Uniform boxes help. They’re easier to stack, transport, and unload. It makes the move smoother for everyone.

Before You Start Packing

Before the first box is sealed, a bit of preparation can set the stage for a smoother packing experience.

  • Declutter: We all have items lingering around that we no longer need or use. Now is the perfect time to sort through your belongings. Decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to discard. A lighter load means fewer boxes and less to unpack.
  • Gather Supplies: Once you’ve streamlined your possessions, it’s time to gather packing supplies. Consider what you’ll need:
    • sturdy boxes,
    • bubble wrap for fragile items,
    • packing tape,
    • and markers for labeling.
  • Create a Packing Schedule: Don’t underestimate the time packing can take. Break it down. Plan which rooms to pack each week or days. A schedule can help distribute the workload, making the task less daunting and more manageable.

Check our packing page for supplies!

Room-by-Room Packing Guide

Room for packing

Living Room

The living room is often the heart of a home, filled with a mix of functional items and cherished memories. Packing it requires a blend of care and strategy.

  • Packing Electronics: Modern living rooms are tech hubs. When packing electronics like your TV or stereo, use their original boxes if available. If not, ensure they’re cushioned with bubble wrap or soft linens to prevent damage. Don’t forget to label cords and remotes for easier setup in your new place.
  • Safeguarding Fragile Items: Items like vases, art pieces, or decorative ceramics aren’t just objects; they often hold sentimental value. Wrap them individually with bubble wrap or newspaper. Consider double-boxing for added protection.
  • Tips for Packing Furniture: Furniture can be bulky and challenging. If possible, disassemble larger pieces like shelves or tables. Keep screws and small parts in labeled bags attached to the respective furniture. For sofas and chairs, protective covers or old blankets can shield against scratches and dust.


The bedroom is a sanctuary, a personal space filled with both daily essentials and intimate items. Packing it requires a touch of organization and care.

  • Packing Clothes: Different clothes require different packing methods. Use wardrobe boxes for hanging garments to keep them wrinkle-free. For other clothing, consider vacuum-sealed bags to save space. Folded clothes can go in regular boxes.
  • Handling Jewelry and Personal Items: Jewelry can easily get tangled or lost. Use jewelry boxes or small containers. For other personal items, like keepsakes or photos, consider packing them separately and keeping them with you during the move.
  • Packing Bedding and Mattresses: Mattresses should be protected with mattress covers. Beddings, like sheets and comforters, can be placed in large plastic bags or boxes.


The kitchen, often bustling with activity, presents distinct packing challenges due to its varied items.

  • Packing Dishes and Glassware: Each piece, from daily-use plates to special glasses, demands care. Individually wrap them using packing paper or bubble wrap. Plates are optimally stored vertically. For glasses, dividers are essential.
  • Tips for Packing Appliances: Large appliances require thorough cleaning and drying. Detach any removable components and pack them separately. Smaller appliances? If original packaging is unavailable, ensure secure cushioning in moving boxes.
  • Packing Perishables and Non-Perishables: Non-perishables, like canned goods, are straightforward to box. Perishables, on the other hand, should either be consumed or, for short moves, placed in coolers.


The bathroom, though smaller, contains a variety of items that need careful packing.

  • Packing Toiletries: Preventing leaks is crucial. Ensure caps are tightly secured and consider placing liquids in sealable plastic bags. Items like shampoos and lotions can be packed together in a box.
  • Handling Medications: Keep essential medications with you during the move. For others, use original containers and ensure they’re stored upright in a box.
  • Packing Towels and Bath Mats: Roll towels and mats to save space. They can also act as cushioning for other bathroom items.

Home Office

The home office is a hub of electronics, documents, and often, books.

  • Packing Computers and Electronics: Use original boxes if available. Otherwise, ensure electronics are cushioned and protected in sturdy boxes. Label cords and accessories.
  • Organizing and Packing Documents: Important documents should be kept in a safe container or with you. Others can be organized in folders and packed in labeled boxes.
  • Tips for Packing Books: Avoid overloading boxes. Lay books flat or pack them spine down to prevent damage to bindings.


Garages and storage areas, with their eclectic mix, present unique packing challenges.

  • Packing Tools and Machinery: Tools vary in size and complexity. Larger ones? Consider disassembly. Store in original cases when available, or wrap securely.
  • Handling Hazardous Materials: Chemicals, paints, and similar items pose risks. Pack them separately, always upright, and ensure tight sealing.
  • Tips for Packing Sports Equipment: Each piece of equipment has its nuances. Original bags or containers are best. Bikes and bulkier items? Protective covers are a must.

Special Packing Tips

Certain items require extra care and attention during the packing process.

  • Handling Fragile Items: Fragility isn’t just about glass or ceramics. It’s about items that hold sentimental value. Use bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and sturdy boxes. Ensure they’re marked as ‘Fragile’ for easy identification.
  • Packing Artwork and Antiques: These aren’t just items; they’re pieces of history. Wrap paintings in acid-free paper. For sculptures or other 3D pieces, consider custom crates. Always ensure they’re cushioned and secure.
  • Tips for Packing Heavy Items: Distribute weight evenly in boxes. Avoid overpacking. Use trolleys or sliders to move them without strain.
Packing fragile item

Labeling and Organizing

Organization is the key to a smooth unpacking experience.

  • Importance of Labeling Boxes: A simple label can save hours of searching. Clearly mark the contents and destination room on each box.
  • Color-coding by Room: Consider using colored stickers or markers for each room. Blue for the bedroom, green for the kitchen, and so on. It simplifies the unloading process.
  • Creating a Box Inventory: Keep a list of boxes and their contents. It helps in tracking and ensures nothing goes missing.

Packing is more than just placing items in boxes. It’s about ensuring they reach their destination in the same condition they left, and that the unpacking process is as seamless as the packing one.

Final Preparations

As the moving day approaches, a few last-minute preparations can make a world of difference.

  • Packing an Essentials Box: The first day in a new place can be disorienting. Pack a box with essentials for the first day/night—think toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, and some snacks. This ensures you’re not rummaging through boxes on arrival.
  • Double-checking Everything: Take a final walk-through. Ensure no item is left behind, and all boxes are sealed and labeled.
  • Preparing for the Movers’ Arrival: Clear pathways for easy movement. If possible, reserve a parking spot close to your home for the moving truck. Inform the movers of any special instructions or fragile items.


Packing, when done right, isn’t just about moving items; it’s about transitioning memories, emotions, and a part of oneself to a new place. The importance of organized packing cannot be overstated—it’s the bedrock of a stress-free move.

Trust in AT Movers. With our expertise and your preparation, together we can ensure a seamless, efficient, and hassle-free moving experience. Get a free quote!